Denbi Hospital Foundation Ethiopia

Join our mission!

Board Members


Leen Roeleveld

IT entrepreneur

In 2018, I visited Ethiopia for the first time. For YEP Ethiopia, I gave training to young professionals. Wonderful to help young people in their personal and professional development. However, I was also struck by the great need of this country. Where in the Netherlands there are all kinds of opportunities to receive care, our Ethiopian "neighbors" do not have those opportunities. Unless they bring a bag of money. And most do not have that. As a result, many people suffer from easily treatable ailments and injuries. From involvement in the training program, I also became involved in the Denbi clinic. Since then, it hasn't let go of me. Much can be done with simple means. However, there is a great need for more care than the clinic can provide. Therefore, as a board member of the Denhofe Foundation, I am happy to contribute to health care for the region around Denbi. To do justice to our Ethiopian neighbor!


Eelco van Garderen

financial advisor and accountant

As chairman of the board of the Denbi Hospital Foundation, I am committed to providing good health care for the (underprivileged) poor in Ethiopia. A lot of money is needed for this hospital project, I realize. But how much did we ourselves receive in the year behind us? Your contribution to this project, large or small and in whatever way, is greatly appreciated.


Reina Timmer


Mijn naam is Reina Timmer. In het dagelijks leven werk ik als arts. Daarnaast zet ik me in als bestuurslid voor Denbi Hospital Foundation. Als vrijwilliger heb ik een korte periode gewerkt in de huidige medium-clinic in Denbi, zo ben ik dus bekend met en betrokken bij de plaatselijke situatie. Dit motiveert mij om onze Ethiopische ‘buur’ een betere en gezondere toekomst te geven!

peter fahrer

Peter Fahner


We can only exist as human beings if we connect with our fellow human beings. We do this every day with the people around us. It is my mission to shape this also in contact with people who are further away from us. Those who have to make do with much less than we do. As a doctor, I know from experience the inestimable value of health when it is threatened by illness. By participating in the hospital project in Denbi, I want to make a direct contribution to improving the health of the people there. The beauty of this project is that you or you can also play a role in this transformation of that health care. By thinking along now, letting your voice be heard, supporting funding and soon visiting the hospital as a volunteer, intern or professional. Get connected with us!

Ontwerp zonder titel

Hendrik-Jan Colijn

Care Director

In 2013, I was in Africa for the first time. From that moment on, I have felt involved with needy populations in that continent. When we see our (over)organized prosperity compared to the poverty and shortages in, among others, Ethiopia, it calls for action. From my healthcare background and experiences within that sector in our country, I like to contribute to the development and realization of good healthcare in Ethiopia. Will you also participate?



Berdien Coster


Aberash Alemayehu


Board Members


Leen Roeleveld

IT entrepreneur

In 2018, I visited Ethiopia for the first time. For YEP Ethiopia, I gave training to young professionals. Wonderful to help young people in their personal and professional development. However, I was also struck by the great need of this country. Where in the Netherlands there are all kinds of opportunities to receive care, our Ethiopian "neighbors" do not have those opportunities. Unless they bring a bag of money. And most do not have that. As a result, many people suffer from easily treatable ailments and injuries. From involvement in the training program, I also became involved in the Denbi clinic. Since then, it hasn't let go of me. Much can be done with simple means. However, there is a great need for more care than the clinic can provide. Therefore, as a board member of the Denhofe Foundation, I am happy to contribute to health care for the region around Denbi. To do justice to our Ethiopian neighbor!


Eelco van Garderen

financial advisor and accountant

Als voorzitter van het bestuur van de Denbi Hospital Foundation zet ik me in voor goede gezondheidszorg voor de (kans)armen in Ethiopië. Voor de volgende stap in het ziekenhuisproject is 20.000 euro nodig, een groot bedrag, dat besef ik. Maar hoeveel hebben wijzelf ontvangen in het jaar dat achter ons ligt? Uw bijdrage aan dit project, groot of klein en op welke manier dan ook, stellen wij enorm op prijs.

peter fahrer

Peter Fahner


We can only exist as human beings if we connect with our fellow human beings. We do this every day with the people around us. It is my mission to shape this also in contact with people who are further away from us. Those who have to make do with much less than we do. As a doctor, I know from experience the inestimable value of health when it is threatened by illness. By participating in the hospital project in Denbi, I want to make a direct contribution to improving the health of the people there. The beauty of this project is that you or you can also play a role in this transformation of that health care. By thinking along now, letting your voice be heard, supporting funding and soon visiting the hospital as a volunteer, intern or professional. Get connected with us!


Reina Timmer


My name is Reina Tamminga-Timmer. In daily life I work as a doctor. In addition, I am committed as a board member for Denbi Hospital Foundation. As a volunteer I worked for a short period in the current medium clinic in Denbi, so I am familiar with and involved in the local situation. This motivates me to give our Ethiopian "neighbor" a better and healthier future!

Ontwerp zonder titel

Hendrik-Jan Colijn


In 2013, I was in Africa for the first time. From that moment on, I have felt involved with needy populations in that continent. When we see our (over)organized prosperity compared to the poverty and shortages in, among others, Ethiopia, it calls for action. From my healthcare background and experiences within that sector in our country, I like to contribute to the development and realization of good healthcare in Ethiopia. Will you also participate?



Berdien Coster


Aberash Alemayehu
