Denbi Hospital Foundation Ethiopia

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Our mission

We are committed to building an independent primary hospital in the area of Debre Zeyt (Ethiopia), specializing in maternal and child care. Our ambition is to provide loving and quality health care for all people, rich and poor, with a Christian identity.

Open your heart

Worldwide, 800 mothers a day die in childbirth.

At the Denbi Maranatha Clinic in Ethiopia, women can give birth, but no care can be provided in case of complications. Then the mother must be transported to the hospital. And there women often still die, sometimes from easily treatable conditions. 

Therefore, an initiative was started to build a simple hospital where good care can be provided. Let your heart speak. Sign up for the newsletter below and stay informed on how you can follow your heart and contribute.

woensdag 23 juni – 20.00 uur
webinar “Moeder-en-kindzorg in Denbi”

Wij vertellen ons verhaal

Welkom bij onze digitale bijeenkomsten waarin wij jullie meenemen in het verhaal van onze stichting en Denbi Hospital in Ethiopië. We gaan graag het gesprek aan, om elkaar te inspireren en van elkaar te leren. 

Please also sign up if you are unable to attend the webinar live. We will then invite you to subsequent webinars!

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Ondernemersavond in Staphorst

Op de ondernemersavond, donderdag 28 september in Staphorst, georganiseerd door de Werkgroep Berdien hebben we de plannen en de voortgang voor het basisziekenhuis in Denbi

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Zingen in Tholen

Op zaterdagavond 23 september was de zangavond in de serie met organist Huig van der Knijff waarbij de collecteopbrengst geheel bestemd wordt voor het nieuwe

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Our mission

An independent primary hospital based on Christian identity, with the ambition to provide loving, quality health care for all people, rich and poor, in the area of Debre Zeyt (Ethiopia) with a specialization in maternal and child care. 



Denbi Maranatha Health Center (DMHC) aims to make a difference in the region by being a driver for development and creating knowledge transfer, clean water, jobs, income and thus perspective in addition to good care for all, while respecting the local context.

healthy organisation

The hospital must be a financially independent, healthy organization. Allowing wealthy patients to pay more will also help poor populations.

Maternal and infant mortality

In Ethiopia, maternal mortality is 80 times higher and infant mortality 12 times higher than in the Netherlands. There is a great lack of knowledge, skill, resources and expertise in medical care for mother and child. As a result, not only do many mothers die in childbirth, but also children under the age of five.

Burn unit

Due to cooking on an open fire, burns are among the most common injuries in Ethiopia. At the DMHC's burn unit, these patients can receive faster and better treatment.


The population and economy are growing faster and faster, and the demand for quality care is high.

Our mission

Denhofe is committed to building an independent primary hospital in the area of Debre Zeyt (Ethiopia), specializing in maternal and child care. Our ambition is to provide loving and quality health care for all people, based on a Christian identity,for poor and rich.

Why a hospital?


The population and economy are growing faster and faster, and the demand for quality care is high.

Maternal and infant mortality

In Ethiopia, maternal mortality is 80 times higher and infant mortality 12 times higher than in the Netherlands. There is a great lack of knowledge, skill, resources and expertise in medical care for mother and child. As a result, not only do many mothers die in childbirth, but also children under the age of five.

Burn unit

Due to cooking on an open fire, burns are among the most common injuries in Ethiopia. At the DMHC's burn unit, these patients can receive faster and better treatment.


Denbi Maranatha Health Center (DMHC) aims to make a difference in the region by being a driver for development and creating knowledge transfer, clean water, jobs, income and thus perspective in addition to good care for all, while respecting the local context.

healthy organisation

The hospital must be a financially independent, healthy organization. Allowing wealthy patients to pay more will also help poor populations.
